Phantom of the Opera Waterglobe - Meg in Ballet Costume
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Never before has a Broadway musical made such a long lasting impression as The Phantom of the Opera.
See the beautiful workmanship and the beautiful detail of this San Francisco musical piece. This magnificent piece plays “Think of Me.” Watch Meg as she dances on the beautiful platform to the song “Think of me.” The base of this waterglobe is beautifully decorated with beautiful flowers in pinks, reds, yellows and white.
Never before has a Broadway musical made such a long lasting impression as The Phantom of the Opera. It is one of the longest running shows of all time. The dynamic scenery and the magnificent love story that unfolds before your eyes is something you will remember forever.
This piece is so lovely that it makes you feel you are there with Meg as she dances and feel the great power of the love she feels for ballet and the theatre. Enjoy the music as remember that the Phantom is not far away.
Listen To Music Sample
Dimensions: 3.5 X 3.5 X 5.0
Plays Tune: Think of Me